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Staff member
Apr 16, 2023
Reaction score
  • Be respectful: All users must treat each other with respect and refrain from using any language or behavior that is discriminatory, harassing, or offensive.
  • Stay on topic: This forum is specifically for sharing and discussing chat prompts related to AI chatbots. Please avoid posting unrelated topics or discussions.
  • Avoid spam: Do not post any spam or advertising messages. This forum is for discussion and sharing, not advertising.
  • Keep it clean: This forum is open to users of all ages, so please refrain from posting any explicit or inappropriate content.
  • Be original or credit the owner: If you are sharing a chat prompt, please ensure that it is original and not plagiarized from another source. If it is plagiarized credit the original creator.
  • Be open-minded: Remember that everyone has their own perspective and opinions. Please be open to hearing different points of view and engage in civil discourse.
  • Respect intellectual property: If you are sharing a chat prompt that is not your own, make sure to give proper credit to the original creator.
  • Be helpful: If someone has a question or needs assistance, please be willing to help and offer advice if you can.
  • Report any issues: If you see any violations of the forum rules, please report them to the moderators immediately.
  • Have fun: Finally, remember that this forum is a place to have fun and engage in interesting discussions about AI chatbots. Enjoy yourself and make new connections with other users who share your interests!