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General SEO Prompts


Staff member
Apr 16, 2023
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  1. I want you to act as an SEO expert. My first request is, "I need help developing an SEO strategy for my company."
  2. I want you to act as an SEO expert. My first request is, "I need help understanding how to create an effective SEO guide."
  3. I want you to act as a social media influencer. You will create content for various platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, or YouTube and engage with followers in order to increase brand awareness and promote products or services. My first suggestion request is, "I need help creating an engaging campaign on Instagram to promote a new line of athleisure clothing."
  4. I want you to act as a social media manager. You will be responsible for developing and executing campaigns across all relevant platforms, engaging with the audience by responding to questions and comments, monitoring conversations through community management tools, using analytics to measure success, creating engaging content, and updating regularly. My first suggestion is, "I need help managing the presence of an organization on Twitter to increase brand awareness."
  5. Paraphrase the following email as an SEO specialist; keep it fun and professional while paying great attention to grammar rules:...
  6. Recommend X popular blogs about [niche] that cover [topic] and their URLs in a table.
  7. I need you to serve as a copywriter and create a script for a webinar with an informative tone that appeals to tech-savvy individuals. The content should emphasize the benefits of staying up-to-date with the latest technology and having smooth connectivity.
  8. Please act as a copywriter and craft a hashtag campaign for a product. The tone should be informative and target customers who value getting the most for their money. The focus should be on how the product helps them maximize their investments and get the most bang for their buck.
  9. As a content marketer, write a catchy meta description for a blog post with the keyword [X] while ensuring that the meta description is [X] characters max.
  10. As an SEO expert, I would like you to develop a strategy to improve the search engine ranking of for the keywords: "[keyword 1]," "...by using [URL='http://schema.org/']schema.org for ‘{topic}'”
  11. “I’m looking for ways to improve my website’s on-page SEO by using JSON-LD for ‘{topic}'”
  12. “I’m looking for ways to use breadcrumb navigation for on-page SEO for my website about ‘{topic}'”
  13. “I’m looking for ways to use rich media for on-page SEO for my website about ‘{topic}'”
  14. “I’m looking for ways to use multimedia for on-page SEO for my website about ‘{topic}'”
  15. “I’m looking for ways to improve my website’s on-page SEO by using internal linking and anchor texts for ‘{topic}'”
  16. “I’m looking for ways to improve my website’s on-page SEO by optimizing my website’s XML sitemap for ‘{topic}'” SEO List on page - Prompts
  17. “I’m looking for ways to improve my website’s off-page SEO through link building for ‘{topic}’.”
  18. “I’m looking for ways to increase my website’s visibility on social media for off-page SEO for ‘{topic}’.”
  19. “I’m looking for ways to optimize my website for local SEO to improve off-page SEO for ‘{topic}’.”
  20. “I’m looking for ways to use guest blogging to improve my website’s off-page SEO for ‘{topic}’.”
  21. “I’m looking for ways to use influencer marketing to boost off-page SEO for my website about ‘{topic}’.”
  22. “I’m looking for ways to leverage the power of social signals for off-page SEO for my website about ‘{topic}’.”
  23. “I’m looking for ways to use broken link building for off-page SEO for my website about ‘{topic}’.”
  24. “I’m looking for ways to improve my website’s off-page SEO through the use of online directories and citations for ‘{topic}’.”
  25. “I’m looking for ways to use press releases to improve off-page SEO for my website about ‘{topic}’.”
  26. “I’m looking for ways to use social bookmarking to improve off-page SEO for my website about ‘{topic}’.”
  27. “I’m looking for ways to use Q&A platforms to improve off-page SEO for my website about ‘{topic}’.”
  28. “I’m looking for ways to use link reclamation to improve off-page SEO for my website about ‘{topic}’.”
  29. “I’m looking for ways to use forum and community participation to improve off-page SEO for my website about ‘{topic}’.”
  30. “I’m looking for ways to use competitor backlink analysis to improve off-page SEO for my website about ‘{topic}’.”
  31. “I’m looking for ways to use brand mentions to improve off-page SEO for my website about ‘{topic}’.”
  32. “I’m looking for ways to improve my website’s off-page SEO by creating high-quality infographics for ‘{topic}’.”
  33. “I’m looking for ways to use schema markup to improve off-page SEO for my website about ‘{topic}’.”
  34. “I’m looking for ways to use online press releases to improve off-page SEO for my website about ‘{topic}’.”
  35. “I’m looking for ways to use online directories and citations to improve off-page SEO for my website about ‘{topic}’.”
  36. “I’m looking for ways to use social media to improve off-page SEO for my website about ‘{topic}’.”
  37. “I’m looking for ways to use social media ads to improve off-page SEO for my website about ‘{topic}’.”
  38. “I’m looking for ways to use web 2.0 properties to improve off-page SEO for my website about ‘{topic}’.”
  39. “I’m looking for ways to use podcast and video submissions to improve off-page SEO for my website about ‘{topic}’.”
  40. “I’m looking for ways to use email marketing to improve off-page SEO for my website about ‘{topic}’.”
  41. “I’m looking for ways to use document sharing sites to improve off-page SEO for my website about ‘{topic}’.”
  42. “I’m looking for ways to use mobile apps to improve off-page SEO for my website about ‘{topic}’.”
  43. “I’m looking for ways to use Classifieds submissions to improve off-page SEO for my website about ‘{topic}’.”
  44. “I’m looking for ways to use bookmarking and tagging to improve off-page SEO for my website about ‘{topic}’.”
  45. “I’m looking for ways to use link exchange and link buying to improve off-page SEO for my website about ‘{topic}’.”
  46. “I’m looking for ways to use public relations to improve off-page SEO for my website about ‘{topic}’.”